
The LDOG Stack for PHP

Laravel, Doctrine ORM, and GraphQL


This is a template application for building GraphQL applications in Laravel with Doctrine ORM. Known as the LDOG (el-dog) Stack.

To create a new project run


Source code available at

This site is the ldog project running on Google Cloud. It includes an example Doctrine ORM schema and database served as GraphQL.

You may explore the GraphQL with graphiql or POST to this server's GraphQL endpoint at



Why use this template application?


This template application is based on Laravel 11.x. Nothing has been taken away from that default Laravel release but a lot has been added.

There are many GraphQL solutions available including those that integrate with Laravel and Eloquent. But Doctrine ORM is the superior ORM because it is a data mapper pattern .

The doctrine-orm-graphql library creates the types for your Doctrine entities and has numerous other features.

A Skipper diagram is included and the example database metadata is exported from it as XML. The advantages of XML metadata over annotations or attributes are many and not needing to edit the XML manually is a big benefit.

Convert an existing database to GraphQL


Using skipper, import a new external model and import your database. Change the Export Data Format to XML and set the path to ~/config/doctrine-orm-metadata . Export from Skipper and build your entities. Turn on globalEnable in the driver and create at least one endpoint.



Support for this template application is available through API Skeletons .